
Engaging me brings you a partner to challenge yourself, your thinking, and the future.

Advisory Services

Quick Look
Let's take a look at where you are, where you want to go, and what's standing in the way. Let's see if it's a mutual fit to work together.
45 min / on the house.
One-off Consultation
You have a question related to your venture, or the industry. You want an objective, expert's assessment of a single aspect of your business, be it brand, positioning, website, services or offering. Sometimes you just need to have your gut feeling validated.

One-off, 60-90 minutes.
Recorded, yours to keep.
Availability varies.
Retained Advisory
Access my expertise and perspective to run your business smarter. We'll tackle your ongoing challenges — from vision and leadership, through strategy, positioning, brand & marketing to processes. Through the lens of The Value Method™, but not exclusively.
Starting at $5000/mo.
A thorough look at your business challenge. Let's assess how you track across key pillars, such as vision and leadership, positioning, systems, client relationships, marketing and messaging to identify major roadblocks, often invisible from your perspective. The result is clarity of strategic issues to tackle, and a perspective to look at them.
Starting at $5000
For select clients who want nothing but a streamlined service with premium implementation, I may provide you with an end-to-end solution. These projects vary in scope and nature, may cover anything from strategy through brand development to activation.

Expect mid to high five-figure budgets.

The Value Method

Early Adopters
So far, The Value Method™ has been available exclusively to my advisory clients. Currently, we're gearing up towards opening the cohort-based experience with guided support, community, the physical and digital products.
Opportunities include stepping into our inner circle, becoming an early adopter or joining the waitlist for a refined experience.


In-person stage appearances are on the table for key opportunities, but I'm capping my flights due to environmental conerns.
Podcasts, masterminds, closed groups hosting or co-hosting, workshops. Open to explore depending on availability.
Want to trade thoughts, exchange articles or tap into each other's autiences? Give me a shout, and let me know why you think I'm a fit.

Clients & Friends. With some, we brushed shoulders, exchanged ideas, or hugs. With others — built worlds. 

The space & deep tech sector

The Futurecrafting™ Insights

Insights into leading, building, and evolving B2B brands in the tech and creative industry.